locally and internationally are demanding perishable foodstuffs,
which are affordable, safe and healthy to eat. Nature provides an
abundant supply of quality, safe to eat food in the form of fish,
poultry, fruit, vegetables, milk, shellfish, meat, etc. All these
temperature sensitive perishables need to travel along a cold chain
from their source to the consumer to maintain their quality,
freshness, nutritional value and to remain safe to eat.
many links in the cold chain can include a fishing trawler, dairy,
abattoir processing plant, pack house, refrigerated
vehicle, cold store, refrigerated container, distribution centre, supermarket,
vending cabinet and domestic refrigerator. |
cold chain is never made of only one party but usually many. Each
link in the cold chain needs to receive the product at the correct
temperature, then maintain it at that temperature and pass it to the
next link at the same temperature.

The cold chain can only be effective if all links play their role
and co-operate with the links joining their own.
idea of an association to create closer cooperation between all
parties in the cold chain distribution of perishables in Southern
Africa was given birth at a one-day meeting held in The President
Hotel, Cape Town on 8th February 1990. From this followed the
founding of the Southern
African Refrigerated Distribution Association (SARDA) on 5th
June 1990 at the association's first National AGM held at the Jan
Smuts Holiday Inn, Johannesburg. |
structured on having equal participation of all sectors in the cold chain
industry including suppliers of equipment and services used by those
companies that form a link ie. fish processors, farmers, abattoirs,
dairies, supermarkets, distributors, cold stores, municipal markets, food
processors, caterers, restaurants etc.
aims to:
 | Create
a communication forum for all cold chain role players to address
matters of common interest and to keep abreast of latest technological
development. |
 | Promote and uphold
quality standards in the cold chain industry. |
 | Act as the mouthpiece of
the industry on legislative matters. |
 | Provide recognition for
those role players committed to upholding quality standards in the
cold chain industry in South Africa. |
 | Promote a better
co-operation between all role players in the cold chain with the
benefits of reducing losses of perishables to a minimum and to provide
the consumer with quality products, which are safe to eat. |
members undertake:
distribute temperature controlled perishable products in
accordance with the SARDA code of practice and all current legal
requirements within the countries of Southern Africa.
use only cold stores, vehicles and equipment capable of
maintaining product temperatures within the recommended
train and educate employees in the correct procedures needed for
implementing the cold chain effectively.
SARDA published a code of practice in 1993, titled
:" Implementing the Cold Chain in the Distribution of
Perishable Products". The Code provides valuable guidelines,
information and recommended procedures for proper temperature
management and control. Farmers, food processors, cold stores, food
distributors, merchandisers, supermarkets, transporters and even the
consumer will find useful information in the Code, which is issued
freely for all members and sold to others.
